Exciting Announcement!
Over the next few months, we're relocating our content to enersys.com. This move is a result of our acquisition by EnerSys®, to enhance our unified brand identity for you!

Innovative leadership 

The NorthStar management team shares the belief that things can always be done better for our customers. Our batteries and cabinets are all designed, manufactured and delivered with this in mind.

The management team together holds more than 100 years of experience within the battery and telecom site solutions business, with a good mix of industrial business developers and cutting edge engineers.


Hans Lidén, CEO


Ben Craft, CTO


John Semeniuk, President Transportation Division 

 Peter Karsberg, CFO


Joel Gibson, COO


Ola Häggfeldt, Director Transportation Division, Europe

Per Werin, CMO


David LeClaire, VP Reserve Power Division, Americas


Thierry Tardivent, VP Reserve Power Division, EMEA & APAC